About Us
Maintain gender equality and self- dependent society.
Create the public awareness through formatting and organizing the network of women, children and marginalized community and empower them so that they may be able of fulfilling their needs.
Working Area of the organization:
- Education:
Tharu Women Upliftment Center Bardiya has been working in the field of education (Formal and Non-formal) since 1996.This program has helped to promote literacy for adolescent girls who are child labor as they are reach out of school.
- The educational program will start for the women, children, lower medium class, and freed kamaiya to make them literacy.
- Children out reach of formal education are given informal education and admitted in school and giving skill training.
- Investing, studying and researching about ethnic group.
- Conducting various program for the upliftment of entire tharu women.
- To establish one women library in every tharu village.
- To force for the quality education and capacity building training in every school helped by this organization.
- Establishing one child center in every Tharu village.
- Capacity building for the other NGO's in the form of mediator organization.
Main Objective of the NGO:
- To empower 5000 women & involve in the network.
- To re- establish 2500 child labor and involve in the clubs.
- To involve 5000 lower class and freed kamaiya to make sure their rights.
- To help 5500 children in their education.( Labour,freed kamaiya and the children reach out of the school.)
- To provide health counseling service to 7500 lower class women.
- To provide vocational education and skill building training to 125 child labor.
- To involve 10,000 women, children, "KAMALAHARI" & conflict victims in the income generation program.
- To provide Capacity building training to the 25 board members and staffs.
- To provide capacity building training to the 250 group members.
1- Social Mobilization
- To establish and refresh the groups
- Regulation of mobilization saving credit
- Helping in planning process
- Increasing of women participation
2- Capacity Building
- To provide training
- Inspiring for leadership development / To provide opportunity
- Exhibition visit / participating in seminar meeting
- Sharing the information
3- Counseling
- Providing counseling personally
- Providing counseling in groups and family
4- Advocacy
- Conducting campaign
- Conducting interaction meeting
- Establishing and mobilizing the pressure groups
- Publicizing poster and pump lets
- Conducting the cultural program
- Publishing the press bulletins
5- Participating in public hearing
- Participating in decision making
- Participating in opportunity
- Participating in planning, implementation and evaluation
6- Spreading the relation and co ordination
- Publishing brusher, NGO profile and bulletins
- Regular meeting with donor units
- Holding the co ordination meeting
- Involving in the network
- Regular use of e-mail and enter net
- Uniting and managing the documentation
- Making monitoring device
8- Fund Rise
- Proposal writing
- Spreading contact
- Producing and mobilizing the resource person
- Conducting canteen
- Membership fund
- Hall rent
- Conducting clinic
9- Creating organization and network
- Formatting groups
- Regularity in saving and mobilization
- Community bank
- Child club
10- Rising Public Awareness
- Conducting the campaign
- Publication of poster and pump lets
- Seminar/interaction
- Road Show
- Meeting at public home
- Signature collection
- Procession
- Celebrating the days
- Broadcasting radio and television
- Producing audio video and CD
Targeted community
- Children: - Home labor, freed kamaiya, conflict victim and children reach out of school.
- Women: - Widow, conflict victim, poor, schedule cast and ethnic.
- Youth: - Girls and boys.
- Conflict victim, freed kamaiya and migrated people.